polv's Chinese Learning Diary

千字文 - 2/7

by Pacharapol Withayasakpunt



遐想 xiáxiǎng reverie / daydream / to be lost in wild and fanciful thoughts
闻名遐迩 (聞名遐邇) wénmíngxiá'ěr to be famous far and wide (idiom)
xiá distant / long-lasting / to abandon
遐思 xiásī to fancy from afar / reverie / wild and fanciful thoughts
遐迩 (遐邇) xiá'ěr near and far / far and wide
遐举 (遐舉) xiájǔ to go a long way away
遐龄 (遐齡) xiálíng advanced age / longevity / long life
遐迩闻名 (遐邇聞名) xiá'ěrwénmíng famous everywhere
遐福 xiáfú great and lasting happiness / lasting blessings
室迩人遐 (室邇人遐) shì'ěrrénxiá to long for sb far away / to grieve over the dead
迩 (邇) ěr recently / near / close
遐迩一体 (遐邇一體) xiá'ěryītǐ both near and distant treated alike (idiom)
名驰遐迩 (名馳遐邇) míngchíxiá'ěr To have one's fame spread far and wide. (idiom)
遐迩皆知 (遐邇皆知) xiá'ěrjiēzhī well-known far and near (idiom)
体育 (體育) tǐyù sports / physical education
体验 (體驗) tǐyàn to experience for oneself
繁体 (繁體) fántǐ traditional form of Chinese, as opposed to simplified form 簡體|简体
整体 (整體) zhěngtǐ whole entity / entire body / synthesis / as a whole (situation, construction, team etc) / global / macrocosm / integral / holistic / whole
简体 (簡體) jiǎntǐ simplified form of Chinese characters, as opposed to traditional form 繁體|繁体
体 (體) body / form / style / system / substance / to experience / aspect (linguistics)
媒体 (媒體) méitǐ media, esp. news media
体系 (體系) tǐxì system / setup / CL: 個|个
效率 xiàolǜ efficiency
rate / frequency
shuài to lead / to command / rash / hasty / frank / straightforward / generally / usually
市盈率 shìyínglǜ PE ratio
分辨率 fēnbiànlǜ resolution (of images, monitors, scanners etc)
功率 gōnglǜ rate of work / power (output)
利率 lìlǜ interest rates
概率 gàilǜ probability (math.)
频率 (頻率) pínlǜ frequency
汇率 (匯率) huìlǜ exchange rate
比率 bǐlǜ ratio / rate / percentage
嘉宾 (嘉賓) jiābīn esteemed guest / honored guest / guest (on a show)
宾馆 (賓館) bīnguǎn guesthouse / lodge / hotel / CL: 個|个, 家
来宾 (來賓) láibīn guest / visitor
菲律宾 (菲律賓) Fēilǜbīn the Philippines
宾 (賓) bīn visitor / guest / object (in grammar)
贵宾 (貴賓) guìbīn honored guest / distinguished guest / VIP
宾语 (賓語) bīnyǔ object (grammar)
宾客 (賓客) bīnkè guests / visitors
迎宾 (迎賓) yíngbīn to welcome a guest / to entertain a customer (of prostitute)
归 (歸) guī to return / to go back to / to give back to / (of a responsibility) to be taken care of by / to belong to / to gather together / (used between two identical verbs) despite / to marry (of a woman) (old) / division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor
回归 (回歸) huíguī to return to / to retreat / regression (statistics)
归档 (歸檔) guīdàng to file away / to place on file
归属 (歸屬) guīshǔ to belong to / to be affiliated to / to fall under the jurisdiction of / a place where one feels that one belongs / one's final destination (where one need look no further)
海归 (海歸) hǎiguī sb who has come back to China after gaining overseas experience (a pun on 海龜|海龟) / to return to China after a period of study or work overseas
归纳 (歸納) guīnà to sum up / to summarize / to conclude from facts / induction (method of deduction in logic)
归口 (歸口) guīkǒu to return to one's original trade / to put (a business etc) under the administration of the relevant central authority / (the) relevant (department in charge of sth)
归类 (歸類) guīlèi to classify / to categorize
王子 wángzǐ prince / son of a king
海贼王 (海賊王) Hǎizéiwáng One Piece (manga and anime)
王牌 wángpái trump card
霸王 bàwáng hegemon / overlord / despot
大王 dàwáng king / magnate / person having expert skill in something
大王 dàiwang robber baron (in opera, old stories) / magnate
女王 nǚwáng queen